Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Snow day here today. Since the roads were bad, Damon decided to stay home too. When the internet went out, there wasn't much work he could do, so he took Max outside while the boys were sledding. Max didn't really care for the snow in his face, hence the covering of his eyes.

Favorite moment: the camera pans over to Sam who's on his back with his feet up in the air - bet you weren't expecting that - eh?!

And yikes, do I really sound like that?!


emily said...

oh my goodness. so many good things about this video. yes...definitely the part where the video goes over to sam and his legs are sticking straight up. Then the noise he makes when he finally gives up and moves out of the middle. Damon's noise he makes as he comes down the hill. Max with his hands over his face. the fact that he makes a Randy noise when he gets plopped down in the snow. The fact that he looks like Randy all bundled up in the snow gear. And his expressions on his face. oh man.
And yes. Jill. you sound like that. on all of your videos!

Laura said...

I'm totally loving the hat over the hooded sweatshirt-look. And I second all of Em's comments!