Thursday, April 30, 2009

For Emily

A couple of weekends ago we took the two older boys to the Rock and Worship Roadshow. There was an awesome line up of bands, culminating with our favorite: Mercy Me. (If you've never been to their blog, go. Their "Cover Tune Grab Bags" are hilarious!) I took a lot of pictures and videos, none of which are great. But in light of my sister's post today on missing on our Dad, I just HAD to post this:

This song had been in my heart and head a lot ever since I first heard it. Even more so after the concert. It was only recently replaced by the endless stream of Jonas Brothers that I've been literally hearing in my sleep. Now it's back to "Finally Make it Home" - a much better place to be! Here's the official video with the military homecoming footage - it was a tear jerker at the concert and it's STILL a tear jerker!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's This Boy Up to?

a. planting a tracking device
b. disabling his mom's car so he won't have to go to school
c. earning his keep
d. learning how to change the oil

I Wouldn't Want to Come Across This Bug in a Dark Alley

-made in science club.

Does He Look the Least Bit Remorseful?

Answer: Nope.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Time is Coming....

Getting ready for Friday's Artful Evening Open House! Wanna come? Check out our Things With Wings blog for details and pictures of all the giveaways that could be yours. Need directions? email me at

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Goodbye, Dining Room Table...

...we will miss you.

John 3:16

'nuff said.


Don't worry. He was over it after about an hour of carry it around. As soon as I found it discarded on the ground, it went in the trash! That's just what I need - a puggy addiction at 1 1/2.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Everyone piled into our bed on Easter morning for some snuggle time.

Discovering Easter surprises:

Enjoying some more snuggles:
Getting ready for church. Man, that boy can give me some looks. I don't know where he gets it from:
Lunch at our house. Damon's mom, Vicki:
The hunt. 192 eggs. Max was satisfied with one:

On the move:

Looking like a little man in his big boy jacket:
This little man is too big for hunting eggs, but he did help hide them, and of course he'll take the candy inside:

Larry, Damon's dad:

No event is complete without silly faces for the camera:
There. That's better.
One of my favorite pictures I took that day: the youngest and the oldest:

Max was content to go up and down the front stairs, rather than find eggs:

Max has discovered that the eggs open!

bunny cake:
Max had fun massaging the frosting into his hands:
New Easter shades:

Saturday Night in the E.R.

Saturday night Will and I spent an evening in the ER seeing about his eye. By this point I was pretty sure we were dealing with a corneal abrasion, he was messing with it and complaining about it periodically throughout the day, but by dinner time it seemed worse and constant, and he was in tears. But of course the Mercy on call nurse and the pediatrician on call wouldn't just give me antibiotic drops without us being seen. So we treked over to Mercy and waited 3 hours in an exam room before we were seen. Luckily I'd brought a book, and I'd had Will bring his DS, so we kept ourselves occupied for the first hour anyway! Will did great as the doc put the dye in his eye (which involved laying a tiny strip right on his eyeball, closing his eye and waiting until it disolved) and shined a black light on it. Yep, a scratch. Even though they'd given him several numbing drops throughout the evening, they'd worn off by the time we got home, so once again he was in pain and this time overly tired. Finally got him to bed at 10pm and when he woke up Easter morning, he came racing into our room exclaiming, "It doesn't hurt anymore!" Although it still looked like this:
After another day of antibiotic drops, it's looking back to normal!

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Going to be a LONG, LONG Summer...

...if this is what I've got to deal with every time the big boys go out to play.

Easter Eggs