Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Quotes from Will

Will (playing a video game): A lot of these people (in the game) have anger issues.
Will had a conference day and was home today, while Sam still had to go to preschool. When we got in the car to pick up Sam I let him sit in the front seat, but told him it was only something he could do when Sam wasn't in the car. Will: " Ahh...I love days like these!"
Outside playing in the melting snow today Sam slid down a pile of snow on his feet and landed at the bottom on his butt:
Will: (not too kindly) "If I had a blog, I'd write in it that you fell down and had to change your underwear!"
Then it's Will's turn down the snow pile and he falls HARD smack on his rear - much more dramatically than his brother just did. His rear was wet, and it HAD to have hurt. But he didn't even flinch. I couldn't help but point out the irony: "Well I DO have a blog, and this just might be going on it!" Laura and I were still laughing about it later, it was such swift and unusual punishment! Does God work that way?! Justice was served.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Messin' Around

In the Car...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blankie Boy

I fully recognize that there are only a few hearty individuals out there who can withstand 5 whole minutes of a baby playing with a blanket. For the rest of you, don't feel bad if you decide to skip this one. Let me just warn you though, he's pretty darn cute.

Lemme Photographer

Today I was the official Lemme Yearbook Photographer. And yes, I just now bestowed that title upon myself. I took the kids up to the school today during lunch recess to try to capture as many faces as I could for the Lemme Yearbook. This is what greeted me:
I took about 115 pictures and most of them are great! I'm really happy with my new camera although I'm still learning! I actually got the neck strap on today. No small feat for me. Now if I just had a lens cap.... ahem.

I spent the first 5 minutes of recess going back home to get my camera, which I forgot laying on the stairs. grrr. So by the time we got back, the older kids recess was almost over. They only get about 15 minutes. So I didn't get as many pics of the older kids as I would like, although I did manage to get one of Smiley up there!

We're all doing good here, finally, after another nasty stomach bug took out Max, then Damon, then Sam. Poor boys. Sunday night was an awful blur of tending to sick people every 45 minutes from midnight til about 7 am. It was bad. I felt that nasty bug breathing down me and Will's neck, but somehow we managed to escape it - so far anyway. It was a good thing we had Monday off for President's Day to recooperate. Well, Damon didn't, he took a sick day. All are well today - although their appetites are not quite back - and that's what's important.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The Botched Drop-Off

I periodically check in with the blog "Stuff Christians Like," basically because I am all about sarcasm and don't mind laughing at the ridiculous things we do sometimes. His most recent post really got me laughing out loud because I could totally relate: It's all about the botched Sunday School Drop Off. I've been there. Can ya relate?

A Dad and His Baby

I know that first one is blurry, but I just love it.

Camera Happy

Everybody's getting their picture taken in our house - even Luce.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Hubs

Looking quite handsome, I must say.

Brotherly Love

Haircut Number 3

This guy is squirrely. You gotta watch out for this one. He's hard to pin down when it comes picture time. (Notice he has no "before" pictures. You'll just have to imagine a fuzzy head of sticky-out hair.) And once you get him there, you get pictures like these:

Ya gotta love him.

Haircut, Middle Child





and after....

I got a new camera for my birthday from the hubs, and as you can tell, I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. Fun!

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday and I'm not saying that because I'm wanting to draw attention to myself. Really I just want to brag on my husband! He left me notes all around the house, some of which I still haven't found yet - 34, to be exact, I don't know why he picked that random number ;- ) .... He really thought this out, and only picked places where I would find them, no one else:
the back of the peanut butter, the medicine cabinet, in the shower, in my laptop (that's the first one I found, before I even saw the one on my alarm clock, what does that tell you about how I start my day?!) in the book I'm reading, in my coat pocket, on the van dash, kids' drawers, in the diaper wipes, in the tampon box (what, too much information?!), inside the microwave, under the piece of artwork I'm currently working on.... Perhaps the best moment was when I discovered one in my choir binder last night in the middle of practice and laughed out loud. Of course it was the one that said something about peeing my pants when I laugh. (Really? That's something he loves about me?! I always knew this guy was a keeper, because I do that ALOT, and he still loves me anyway!) Every hiding place was designed to be discovered within the normal course of my day. If you went to go searching, (like the boys did) you wouldn't find any. Very clever. It was the best present ever, because it lasted all day long. In fact I've been told that I have a few more yet that I'll hopefully find today!

I also received some very nice home-made cards from my boys and got sung to - in harmony - by the choir! (And get this, Damon e-mailed Scott, our choir director, just to tell him it was my birthday!) I got to go out for a yummy lunch with my mom and sister (and kids), I received a ton of well wishes from facebook friends, and Emily gave me an amazing present - she donated money in my name to an organization called Angel Mission. Because of her gift, 2 people are receiving clean water for 20 years. How cool is that?! Consider giving this gift as a valentine's present to the ones you love, instead of cards and flowers that will be thrown away:

And the festivities are not over yet because on Friday night we'll be having a little family party with Cincinnati Chili and brownies with removable frosting, made by my mom and sister!

I am so thankful for my husband, my family and for great friends!
(Damon has more than made up for the fact that he told his parents my birthday was on the 3rd!)

Where's Your Nose?

The boys have been getting a big kick out of "teaching" Max his body parts. So far we've gotten nose and mouth down pretty good, and ears, eyes, and belly button are starting to come along too. I think he kind of knows hands and feet too.

Several things about this video crack me up: when I first turn the camera on, Max says "cheese," the scrunched up nose, and of course, the spaghetti fingers up the nose. Notice at the end, "the most annoying noise in the world" is starting up - lucky for all of you I didn't subject you to more of it. The begging noise, in this instance, (it can mean ALOT of different things depending on the situation) is Max's way of telling me he's done eating and performing and wants to get down now. Boy will I be glad when he starts talking more!