Thursday, February 05, 2009

Where's Your Nose?

The boys have been getting a big kick out of "teaching" Max his body parts. So far we've gotten nose and mouth down pretty good, and ears, eyes, and belly button are starting to come along too. I think he kind of knows hands and feet too.

Several things about this video crack me up: when I first turn the camera on, Max says "cheese," the scrunched up nose, and of course, the spaghetti fingers up the nose. Notice at the end, "the most annoying noise in the world" is starting up - lucky for all of you I didn't subject you to more of it. The begging noise, in this instance, (it can mean ALOT of different things depending on the situation) is Max's way of telling me he's done eating and performing and wants to get down now. Boy will I be glad when he starts talking more!


Shelly said...

i watched this without sound at work & couldn't wait to get home & listen to the noise he was making while opening & closing his lips over & over & over... like a little fish!
He's too cute. Maybe talking could wait just a smidgey bit later. This is a fun stage!