Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Big Concert

I sure do wish that I had a video to share with you all. But Will insisted I not tape him, so I honored his wishes. I sure did want to though, I even thought of trying to secretly video him, but I didn't. He announced last night when we got home from dinner that there was going to be a concert. He made a sign (he's big into making signs right now) that said, "Will Brown will be having a concert tonight on the 19 day of January." Then he drew arrows pointing the way to the next sign. The next sign was a sign up sheet for who was coming. So we all wrote our names down. We waited on the couch, and started chanting his name and getting restless. Finally the "star" appeared, and got up on his "stage" - the lounger. He started off by taking attendance from his sign up sheet - something I don't think I've ever seen done at a concert before! Once we were all "here," he said, "I'm going to start by telling you a little about my life." (Where does he get this stuff?!) He said, "I'm Will Brown. I have a mom named Jill, and a dad named Damon. I have a little brother named Sam. (To which Sam said, "That's me!") I go to Lemme School. My teacher's name is Mrs. Hackbarth." He proceeded to tell us all of his friends names, and ended with "I've had a pretty good life." (My goodness!) We all clapped and hooted and hollered. Then he sang us a song - one that they do at AWANAS that he'd heard on the radio on the way home earlier. After the song he announced the show was over and left the room. We all hooted and hollered some more, yelling that we wanted an encore. He came back out and said there'd be no encore, but that he would be signing autographs in his room after the show. So we all knocked on his "dressing room door" and acted really nervous to see him "up close and personal" - Damon even "fainted!" Damon asked him to write something like "to the most handsome dad" or something like that. It was so much fun to be all silly together. Although I long ago realized that Will is not lacking in self-esteem, last night pretty much confirmed it for me!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to ask him for his autograph next time I see him. I think this is my new favorite Will story

Anonymous said...


Movie quote, "Honey, in this life you're either up on the stage in the lights or down in the pits serving drinks!" from Vegas Vacation.