Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fine Arts Night

Last Thursday, Will's school had their annual Fine Arts Night. So I had to take a few pictures before we left. Then Sam wanted a few of him:The grades got to sing a few songs, then view their artwork. Since it's always crowded, they decided to have it at City High this year. It was a fun night. The 3rd and 4th graders ended their portion of the evening with Twist and Shout. They even came down the aisles and encouraged everyone to 'get their groove on' by singing and dancing along. Of course we all just sat there like bumps on a log. Although I did bop in my seat a bit. I wouldn't want to be accused of embarassing my son, you know.

Will's piece was a painting of the super hero he created: "Super Mut." Although we thought he looked alot like a certain 9 year old we know, we were quickly corrected that his hero was not wearing glasses, it was a mask.


Shelly said...

...there is a certain resemblance...