Monday, March 26, 2007

One Man Bubble Show

We've been taking advantage of the nice weather to do all the typical Spring things. Will wanted to do bubbles, but we couldn't find any wands, so we came up with some creative solutions. Will wanted to use tennis rackets, which were too big. We were however able to find plastic sand sifters, scoops you play catch with, as well as wiffle balls and some pvc pipes, all of which worked fairly well. Alex our neighbor was more than happy to provide the back-up music for this One-Man Bubble Show.


emily said...

My favorite line..."Let's see what the secret is to the bubble show..."

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Will's bubbles are tremendous, but the theme song is really unstoppable. You can tell at one point Will is feeling upstaged and the 'singer' senses it too and quickly ends the song. nice timing.

Anonymous said...

Aren't my grandkids a hoot??? I love them love them love them!!!!