Monday, June 09, 2008

More Sandbagging Efforts

Damon decided to take the day "off" from work and help out at the church again. Today he was wearing a very official looking neon green vest and directing people and traffic in and out of the parking lot. He had no response when I asked him how he got such a cushy job. Maybe it had to something to do with how hard he worked yesterday. (Not only did he load me up from the cancelled art festival, he then went and helped a co-worker who lives next to the English River move the first floor of his house to higher ground, then sandbagged at Parkview for 4 1/2 hours!) He's been there since 9am, with no plans to come home anytime soon!

In the midst of all of the sandbagging efforts, we are having Vacation Bible School this week! Talk about chaos! Not sure what's going to happen tomorrow, as the entire parking lot is predicted to be underwater by tomorrow. We may either postpone or cancel the rest of VBS, or move to another church.

Damon's dad Larry is an awesome hardworking man. He's always ready to help. (I think that's where Damon gets it from!) Here's Larry tying sandbags and piling them up. I just hope he knows when to quit. I don't want him to overdo it and hurt himself.

An overall view of the efforts:
Last night Damon and Will were at church from 4:30-9. Will was an awesome helper. He was truly a great worker, had fun and didn't want to leave! I think the helping legacy is living on.... And he had lots of good ideas about what we could do all do to help. He went up to the deacon leader as he was speaking on his bullhorn and waited patiently for him to be done so that he could offer him this advice:

"I know how we can save our church. When we use electricity we give off household gasses which pollute the air. The household gasses are hot and it pollutes the air which is making the ice 'capsules' (caps) melt and the sea levels are rising. So if we use less electricity every day then the ice 'capsules' won't melt and the sea levels won't rise as much. That's how we can save our church."

Consequently, my little environmentalist had me getting ready this morning in the dark because everytime I turned around he was shutting lights off - no matter if it was the room I was in or not. He didn't have much to say this afternoon when I pointed out that the TV, the computer, and the video games were all using electricity.

They have an awesome system set up to fill sandbags quickly using orange traffic cones as funnels.
Here was the view out the back of the church this morning. The water is getting much higher and closer and is continuing to do so. People said that you can see huge carp swimming out there and jumping out of the water! How strange is that?!

If you want to see more pictures and videos, go here. I couldn't get the videos to work, but maybe you can.