Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Carpet Skating 2

Not as hilarious as the original, but the sequel has its moments. I give it a thumbs up for its colorful cast of characters and its superb film making and editing.

Stay tuned for Carpet Skates 3 - starring Max! Just kidding.


emily said...

ok...I seriously love that both you and Laura had the arms into it...like speed skaters. For some reason I just kept thinking "blades of glory"...I realize it's completely different but it made me laugh.

Shelly said...

We're going to have to send bumper pads like they have at the bowling alley! :)

I'm so glad everyone liked the skates!

Where is Damon & Joe?? I'll wait for their video clip with much anticipation. Maybe we'll have to video them ourselves when we come visit in a couple of weeks!

Jen said...

Favorite Moment #1: Noah
Favorite Moment #2: Noah picking up Lily when she's in her seemingly precarious position.
Favorite Moment #3: "stop following me. stop following me. stop following me...sam won't stop following me...stop following him."

Jen said...

i'll have my people talk to em's people and we'll see what kind of carpet skating magic we can work up for you. ;)