Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there! Especially our favorite Dad: Damon! We love you and think you're the greatest!! You take care of us, make us laugh, and love us unconditionally!!
We started out the day in a very special way this morning at the early hour of 5:30! Last night was the first night that Will and Sam shared a room. (Will's bed is temporarily in Sam's room while Damon redoes Will's room. Eventually they'll both move into Will's room, and into the bunkbeds.) Not only did they get up early, they didn't fall asleep until after 10:30 last night - an unheard of bedtime for our boys. They goofed off and laughed and got irritated with each other, and came out with some excuse at least 10 tens. The "talking to" we'd given them ahead of time did very little. We'd told them how important it was to stay in their beds, because if they got up, the other one would get up. Well, that didn't last. It was cute only the first time:
Will: Mom?
Sam: (repeating) Mom?
Will: I can't sleep.
Sam: I can't sleep eiver.
Me: I thought I told you to stay in your bed because you know who would follow you out.
Will: I told him to stay in his bed, but he didn't listen to me.
Me: Huh.
Sam: I told Will we were big boys now but he didn't wisten to me.
Imagine similar scenarios repeated until it's just not cute anymore.
They slept all through the night, then when Will woke up at 5:30, and not knowing what time it was, he got up to check his alarm clock, which was still in his room. After very noisily opening the door, we were all awake, and some of us were not going back to sleep. After multiple threats to be quiet and go back to sleep, and various punishments interspersed every 20 or so minutes when the noise level increased, the boys were allowed to come out at 7am, having never gone back to sleep, and Damon and I went back to bed until a much more civilized hour, leaving the boys to fend for themselves in front of the TV. By the time we made it to church at 10:30, Sam was sound asleep, and not too happy to be woken up. He recovered, made it through Sunday school and lunch and fell asleep on the way home, for 2 hours. Will on the other hand, will go on fumes until an EARLY bedtime. Hopefully Sam will be ready for that too, even with a nap. Will's clock is now by his bed, so he'll always know what time it is. (We have a rule that if he wakes up early, he can come out at 7am.) So maybe that will help, although how tempting is it, to wake up your brother when you're bored and waiting for it to be 7?! So I'm not holding my breath on that one. It's got to go better than last night. IT'S JUST GOT TO!!!!!!!


Kathy said...

I am laughing all the way through this post, sorry, but it just brought back so many memories for me. Ya gotta love the joys of kids sharing a room. I totally understand about it being funny the first time - sorry that made me laugh again. In the words of my wise mother, this too shall pass.

emily said...

that is the cutest picture of thos handsome boys!

Anonymous said...

Sharing a room is tough! They will definately adjust and learn to sleep through each others noises. I'd love to see photos of the "progress" in Will's room. What fun!