Friday, June 01, 2007

Kent Park Day

Today all the 1st and 2nd graders spent the day at Kent Park. The plan was that they were going to go, rain or shine. Well, it rained. The kids were so disappointed. They'd planned to go fishing and hiking on nature trails. But none of that happened. Instead, they spent the day in the lodge, first listening to a nature expert talk about some of the wildlife, then had their picnic lunches, then watched the movie "Open Season." They ended up coming back early. Good news is that they get another chance at good weather next year, when Will goes again as a 2nd grader. Mrs. Hackbarth had told everyone to bring a hat and so Will insisted on wearing his (what he calls) "lucky fishing hat." Evidently it helps him catch fish. It was a birthday gift from McCarragher's (along with his own fishing gear.) It has his name painted on it, and was rimmed with fishing lures that Laura had attached. Will started out the day with only 2 of the lures left, and when he got home from school, they were all gone. I knew this would probably happen! In fact I didn't really want to let him take the hat in the first place, not because I cared about the lures, but because I knew it would be a distraction to him, and to others. But I finally gave in since it was the 2nd to last day of school, and it was going to be crazy anyway! When I asked what happened to the other lures, he said the other kids kept touching them and they fell off. He didn't seem too concerned about it. Oh well!


Anonymous said...

Nice Lucky Fishing Hat, Will. Maybe your mom can attach some more lures for you--that was my favorite part! Sorry it rained on your field trip, it's been rainy here too and I am tired of it.

emily said...

All I can say is..."Cheese Monkey"!