Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nursing Questions

Will saw my "new" borrowed nursing pump and all the extra paraphenalia laying on the table this morning and asked me what it was all for. I told him that it was to pump milk for the baby and I kind of patted my chest. He looked very confused, so I told him that when the baby is very little, I'm the only one that can feed it, unless I pump out milk into a bottle, for Dad to give. His response was, "I thought only cows could do that." I said, no, people can do it too. Later on when he heard me telling my mom the story, he said, "so does that mean I can do it too?" I had to clarify that only girls could do it. He's evidently forgotten that he got to witness all of this once before, with Sam. I'm sure I'll be fielding all kinds of interesting questions! It'll be old news before long I'm sure.


Sharon said...

A teaching moment to talk about the common characteristics of mammals?

Anonymous said...

did you mention that some days you begin to feel like a cow? no, probably not. :)

nursing is the best! not easy, but such great mothering time.