Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hair Dilemma

Max's hair is getting a bit long - but only in certain places. Just for fun, I combed his hair into a mohawk after his bath today, just to see what it would look like. Here's the result:

So the question is, do you prefer the punk rocker 'do, or the old man comb-over?:


Shelly said...

Our family votes for the old-man comb-over. It makes him look very mature.
Dillon suggested you use gel to make the mohawk a little more spikey.

Anonymous said...

my vote is for the mohawk...I agree with adding some hair product :) go for it!

- Jenny Essington

Laura said...

It's all good!!! It's nice he's got options. Some days feel like mohawk days, some days not.

Shelly said...

I laugh at this picture everytime I look at it (the straight-on mohawk). I have it as my desktop @ home. Crack me up!