Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Damon WAS brave enough (or silly enough) to climb up on the roof yesterday to remove as much snow and ice as he could. He said he sat up at the top and straddled the peak, but was afraid to go over the edge of the peak toward the front of the house, because it's a long drop to the ground in the front if he slipped and fell. Other areas of the roof he was able to get to better, because he knew that if he slipped, at least he'd land in big piles of snow on the ground! He said that on the roof, underneath layers of ice and snow there was standing water with nowhere to go. It was insulated by the warm roof and the snow, and therefore didn't freeze. No wonder it's finding its way into the attic! He was able to clear away alot of stuff and chiseled some channels through the ice to create a path for the melt-off. Hopefully things will get better around here after all of his hard work.

As for another update, I know many of you have been on the edge of your seats wondering whatever happened to Will's loose tooth. Grandma Connie ended up pulling it out on Christmas Eve at church! So Will not only received a visit from Santa that night, but from the Tooth Fairy as well! He is now a dollar richer.

Last night we were messing around being silly with the boys and we found a spatula in the couch. We were trying to "figure out" what it was and I announced that it was a "spanking stick." Damon "read" the "directions" on the spatula which he declared read: "For use on children ages 4 to 8. Use briskly, rapping repeatedly on the buttocks." I don't know why, maybe you had to be there, but Damon and I laughed so hard! Damon had to leave the room and was wiping his eyes - it was that kind of laughing! My husband is funny. I love him!


emily said...

I love your husband too!! Especially when the tears come!! aw man...that needs to happen when I come home. For some reason all through your story I kept imagining Clark Griswold from Christmas Vacation. :)

Shelly said...

I am laughing at your description of Damon's laugh. Those of us who know him well have that vision stuck in our head of him laughing so hard! What a stitch! Thanks for the smile today!