Saturday, April 19, 2008

Look What Max Is Doing!

Tonight, for the first time, Max really started to get the hang of crawling! He's been able to rotate around using his hands, but up until now hasn't been able to get his legs going, or get himself moving forward at all. But something must have clicked, because he started making his way across the room to get at things he wanted tonight. So look out, world!


emily said...

uh oh! He's on the loose! He knows he's a big boy!!! Pay no attention to the little man watching tv in his undies!

Shelly said...

We used the remote control to get Dillon to crawl too. Watch out, now we can't get him off his cell phone... do you think there's a corrulation?
Big Boy MAX!

Laura said...

Look out world! Look out, brothers!

Shadley said...

my favorite part is will saying Git it! Git it! in the background- it sounds like Em!


Sam watched the second video and saw Will's knee sticking out from the side of the screen and asked, "Is that somebody's nose?" He's so funny!