Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brown Bag It!

Will has a project due tomorrow called "Brown Bag It." He has to find an item that fits inside a brown paper lunch bag for each category and tell his classmates about himself. Here's what he came up with:

  • a hobby or free-time activity that you enjoy: Wii (he's bringing a brochure from one of his games that has Super Mario Galaxy on it)
  • one of your favorites (food, color, music, book etc): a Captain Underpants book
  • future plans or goals: engineer (he made a lego car to show he likes to design and build stuff)
  • something you'd like to do better: steer his bike (he's bringing a reflector off of his bike)
  • a place you'd like to visit: Texas (he's bringing his scorpion encased paperweight)
  • something special about your family: there's all boys (a picture of him with his brothers)

  • the best part of summer vacation: finding caterpillars (this picture:)
  • something that reminds you of a memorable event or time in your life: his soccer medal
  • a talent or special ability that you have: a drawing


Kathy said...

awesome! what a kid