Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Happy Birthday, Sam! I can't believe you are FIVE!!!

Here are just a few of the things we love about you:
  1. you love to give hugs and kisses
  2. your sweetness
  3. your handsomeness
  4. how tall you are
  5. your love of animals - especially dogs, real and stuffed
  6. your blue eyes
  7. you are sensitive and compassionate
  8. your love for pirates and knights
  9. your special shelf beside your bed where you put all your special treasures
  10. your love of keys
  11. you are a good eater, especially when it comes to fruit, and will try just about anything
  12. you are smart
  13. you are good to your friends
  14. you are touchy-feely - you love to touch hair, jewelry, people's faces
  15. your smile
  16. your love of being outside - especially riding your bike and scooter
  17. you are a good big brother, even though sometimes you wish you didn't have any brothers
  18. you like to follow your older brother around
  19. your love of school
  20. how much you like to read books with me
  21. you are a good game player and always a good sport
  22. you can be a great helper, when you want to be!
  23. you are daddy's boy

Happy Birthday sweet son of ours! We love you lots!