Friday, May 11, 2007

On Will's Sick Day...

When Will was home sick, the second day was more of a play day. Here's some of what he did to entertain himself:

He played legos, and built a marble tower down the stairs. He watched movies and played video games. He didn't want to go back to school.

Here's what Sam did to entertain himself:

He played on the back porch, ate chocolate pudding, and threw marbles at his brother.

Here's what Lucy did to entertain herself:


emily said...

I love them ALL!!! Including Lucy! Way to capture the moments!

Anonymous said...

It is soooo sweet to record these simple "nothing" days. I truly miss them. (now I am just a little sad)

Kathy said...

Great pictures! Now you need to let the boys take pictures of what YOU do :) hee hee