Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Brotherly Love

Will and Sam were fighting over the remote today, and I think that there was some biting going on. They came to me and Will said, "Sometimes I wish that Sam wasn't my brother." I said, "Don't say that!" Sam heard us talking and said, "Don't give up Will, just keep going!" Somehow I don't think that he realized that he had just been insulted! They have such a love/hate relationship right now. The moment I separated them, Sam was sad and said "Will went away from me!" He wanted me to "find his friend." Everytime I'd walk past him he'd say, "Did you find my friend?" Finally I told him where Will was - it was no big secret. He was sitting right there on the couch. It's like they can't live with each other, but they can't live without each other either.


Anonymous said...

They fight when they're together and when they're apart its like they are missing a limb. The other day Joe and Jack were on an errand. Noah, at home with me, said, "Nothing is fun here because my brother is gone." Of course, mayhem resumed about 1/2 hour later. Joe says him and Jeff were the same way.

Anonymous said...

My mother in law used to fear going to the docter with Trent and Trey becuase they were constantly covered with bite marks all over their bodies. So take heart--this it totally normal. Look how cute they are!