Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Krispie Ball Incident

You ask? And I deliver. The long awaited pictures from the Krispie Ball Incident. We were only a few short blocks from home when the unthinkable happened: the dessert had shifted. And along with it, our hopes of ever having enough Krispie Balls to go around. As the powdered sugar settled, and the damage was assessed, Joe took one for the team. He didn't want the tasty dessert to have died in vain. He was not too proud to eat Krispie Balls off of the ground. You are a brave, brave man Joe. I would like to think that I would have done the same if I'd been in your shoes. I, and dessert lovers everywhere, salute you.


Anonymous said...

Chomp on, Brave Krispie Ball Eater, chomp on!

I love Noah looking over the seat like, "Awwwww, all the krispie balls are on the ground?"

emily said...

All I have to say is that there better be some balls when I come home.

Anonymous said...

Yes! The Krispie story lives on! A little gravel never hurt anyone! The five second rule totally applies! Rock on Joe!