Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Sunday!

A funny story:

We went to Wendy's for lunch after church and I found myself quite confused by the attention we were drawing as we pulled through the neighboring restaurants' parking lots. There was a big group of people standing in front of Village Inn, and they all turned to look at us, smiling, pointing, laughing and waving. I kept searching faces, thinking surely it's someone we know. I hesitantly started waving back. While looking around to see if there was someone else they could possibily be looking at. Just as I was turning to Damon to ask him if he knew any of those people, I heard a man yell, "Your drink is on your car!" It took me a few seconds to register what he was saying. In the meantime, cars passing from the other direction were laughing and waving and giving us the thumb's up. Damon hurriedly retrieved his drink and was all flustered so that he almost missed his turn! At least this incident wasn't due to my pregnancy brain. This one was due to expectant father brain, which has been known to have its moments in the spotlight as well! I told Damon that when we got home I was going to have him re-enact the pop ontop of the van, for a picture. He just groaned. He knows what that means: blog material. Once home, I didn't have the heart to put him through any more trauma or mortification, so instead I'm "secretly" blogging about it, sans picture!

This has been the boys' temporary living situation while Damon is working on their new room:

Last night was the first night that the boys slept in their bunkbeds! Damon spent the whole day putting them together yesterday, after first steam cleaning the carpet and putting up a new light fixture. Then he made their desk, and put together an IKEA dresser (that alone took 2 hours!) It was a productive day! The kids were lots of "help." (They evidently thought that they could help better with their shirts off.) It ended up being a late night for them, not getting to bed til 9:30, but Will only came out once, and Sam not at all and then they were asleep! It was an early morning this morning however for Will. I heard him at 5:30 this morning trying to get his brother to wake up (although he still denies it.) Boy, was I mad! I went "stomping" in there on tiptoe, and put my finger to my gritted teeth in the universal silent hush gesture, as menacingly, but as quietly as I could. It is so hard to be intimidating and yet quiet! Luckily Sam didn't wake up until 7:30, and Will made a bed out on the couch in front of the TV with some cereal (he said his rumbling stomach woke him up) until the rest of us were ready to get up.

Today Damon worked on putting up the shelves above the desk, putting up some bedside lamps and some lighting underneath a shelf to shine down on the desk surface.

More pics to come as we continue to move them into their new space!


Laura said...

Did I forget to tell you that 'IKEA' means 'you have to be a friggin' engineer to put this together' in Dutch? Luckily you have Damon. I distinctly remember hearing a few choice words coming from the boy's bedroom when Joe was putting ours together. He also ended up using a few extra tools that were NOT on the directions, like a big rubber mallet. yikes. The trampoline still wins the prize, though.

Anonymous said...

Yes--I believe my dad actually drilled new holes to get zach's loft together. I LOVE the color of the walls and the bunkbeds are cool! Zach has the loft version and it's awesome. You guys are going to have a really great room!


Damon's "extra tool" of choice was me. He had me come and stand on the first rung of the ladder so that he could get the holes to line up at the top to screw into place. No easy feat for a pregnant woman of this size.

Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOO! Did he think about what that could do to your fragile pregnant self image?

Damon--"hmmmm, i need something really heavy to get these holes to line up.....I know, JILL!"

Come on, man!! Call Joe and make him drive across town. Whatever it takes.


I know, I know! Will tried standing on the step first and he just wasn't enough weight, and Damon couldn't stand on it himself and get the right angle with his drill, so he had to call in the "big guns." To make matters worse, I'm ashamed to admit that when I stepped on the rung, the whole bunkbed structure started to tip over, a problem no one else seemed to have,(the mattresses weren't in it yet, that's my excuse) so Damon had to counter balance until I got all the way up on the rung and was standing up straight, then we were good to go!