Friday, August 17, 2007

Here It Is

Here it all is, in all of its not so glorious glory. UGH. When I went to the doc today, she told me we could shoot for Aug 31 for an induction, but that I'd have to be more ready than I am now. I'm still only 1 cm dialated, but alot can change quickly! I'm set up for appts for the next 2 Wednesdays, and won't know for sure until Wed the 29th what the plan will be, depending on how I look. If I'm a "3" then we'll ready to rock on Friday the 31st. I'm still holding out hope that I'll go on my own before any of that, based on my high level of miserableness. But since no one else seems as concerned as I am that I'm so uncomfortable, I've come to the sorry realization that my inabilty to walk, stand, sit, or lay down for any length of time is not necessarily an indication of impending labor, it's just the way things are. I sure don't remember being this bad off for this long before any of my other children, so that means either I've forgotten, (which is how you get tricked into having another one) or this is just the special little treat you get with #3.


Connie said...

I am so thankful that you can walk, stand, and sit, even if it isn't for too long at a time. What if you could only lay down and wait??? I care so much and can't do a darn thing but pray. Well, maybe I could try to make you laugh - don't pee your pants now - ok, let's see. . . . Wow, it really is that big, isn't it?

emily said...

JILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look great!!! seriously. you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I haven't seen you or seen a picture of you since I was there last and I LOVE it!
I'm so sorry that you are feeling miserable. I wish that I could do something to help. I will pray too! This baby is such a blessing and it's amazing that God chose you to carry him/her and to make you go through this miserableness, He knows that you can handle it! You CAN handle it, you are an incredible woman of strength and He will help you through til the end!! BELIEVE IT sister! Love you and can't wait to see you in ...13 days!!

Shelly said...

JILL! I think you swallowed a watermelon! haha Just remember this phase will be finished soon! I think you look wonderful, the smile on your face is so cute. You make a good mommy - both before & after pregnancy.

emily said...

I can't wait to hug you!